Haydn: Die Schöpfung (The Creation)

St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, Minnesota Chorale, Lynne Dawson (soprano), Neil Rosenshein (tenor), John Cheek (bass), Joel Revzen (conductor)

Catalog #: AR0005-06
Release Date: December 1, 1988
Format: Digital

Almost from the moment of its first performance, Haydn's The Creation was ranked as his greatest single achievement. For all his brilliance in composing symphonies, string quartets, operas, and masses over a period of decades, Haydn had never produced a composition of such scope, such variety, and such immediacy. Its text and Haydn's music gave the oratorio near-universal appeal, making it accessible and moving to listeners of every class and even of strongly opposed religious and political views. The Creation was as enthusiastically received by Vienna's Catholics as by her freemasons; Berlin's Lutherans and London's Anglicans and the revolutionary theists of Paris hailed it with as much fervor as the Viennese. For many it ranked with Handel's Messiah as one of the two greatest oratorios - and perhaps greatest musical compositions - ever written.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
The Creation Franz Joseph Haydn St. Paul Chamber Orchestra, Minnesota Chorale, Lynne Dawson, soprano, Neil Rosenshein, tenor, John Cheek, bass, Joel Revzen, conductor


  • "Here is a fine domestic performance of what many consider Haydn's single greatest work. It is not a "historically informed"performance on early instruments but rather a straightforward account of this wonderful oratorio in modern musical terms...If you want to add this wonderful work to your CD library, this version will do very well."

    – Cleveland Plain Dealer

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