Ludwig: Violin Concerto

Mark Peskanov (violin), University of Miami Symphony Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra, Thomas Sleeper, Thomas Ludwig (conductor)

Catalog #: TROY0195
Release Date: May 1, 1996
Format: Digital

Thomas Ludwig's Violin Concerto is a lovely work. There is a reason why a violinist of the caliber of Mark Peskanov is attracted to it. The slow movement is gorgeous and the University of Miami Symphony Orchestra accompanies him as if it were a major Orchestra. It is a live performance, but very well recorded. Thomas Ludwig was born in Detroit, Michigan. He studied first with his father and then entered Juilliard on a full scholarship to study violin. At the age of 20, he was appointed Music Director and Conductor of the New York City Symphony. He studied conducting with Bernstein, von Karajan and Jean Morel. He also studied composition with John Corigliano. Today, he pursues a career as both a composer and conductor. He has served as resident conductor for the American Ballet Theater and Mikhail Baryshnikov at the Metropolitan Opera House and on tour. He has also been Music Director of the Atlanta and Washington Ballet Companies. About Ludwig and his Symphony, The New York Times wrote: "Ludwig is perfectly talented. His Symphony is vividly Orchestrated, possesses tremendous emotional intensity and yet is succinct and skillful in its control of form." Ludwig's music is immediately accessible and should appeal directly to the listener who enjoys romantic American music. Both performances are world premieres.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Concerto for Violin and Orchestra Thomas Ludwig Mark Peskanov, violin, University of Miami Symphony Orchestra, Thomas Sleeper, conductor
Symphony in Two Movements Thomas Ludwig London Symphony Orchestra, Thomas Ludwig, conductor


  • "This recording of the first performance of Thomas Ludwig's Violin Concerto, 1994 is a good collaboration between violinist Peskanov, conductor Sleeper, and the well-rehearsed U of Miami Symphony. There are quiet and forte passages for various sections of the Orchestra, but in all three movements the violin spins out extended melodic phrases that seem to stay unresolved. The demands on the soloist are met by Peskanov with seeming effortlessness, as the composer varies his style and rhythms."

    – American Record Guide

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