Music of John Davison

Alan Feinberg (piano), William Purvis (horn), Carol Stein Amado (violin), Albert Lotto (piano), Terry Everson (trumpet), Susan Nowicki (piano), John Davison (piano)

Catalog #: TROY0199
Release Date: September 1, 1996
Format: Digital

John Davison (b. 1930) grew up in upper New York State and New York City. He studied music at the Juilliard lower school, Haverford College, Harvard and Eastman. Among his teachers were Randall Thompson, Walter Piston, Bernard Rogers, Howard Hanson and Alan Hovhaness. He has taught at Haverford College since 1959. His musical idiom is rooted in the great Western classic-romantic tradition with Baroque, Renaissance, jazz, modernist and folk elements mixing in at times. His Sonata for Horn and Piano was composed for the bicentennial of Franklin and Marshall College in 1987. It is a big, romantic work. The Sonata No. 1 for Violin and Piano was composed for the violinist who performs it on this disc, Carol Stein Amado, who gave the work its premiere in the Carnegie Recital Hall in 1976. All the works on this disc are receiving their world premiere recordings. Mr. Davison's music is most pleasing and can be easily enjoyed by anyone who has an interest in twentieth century American music.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Sonata for Horn and Piano John Davison William Purvis, horn, Alan Feinberg, piano
Sonata No. 1 for Violin and Piano John Davison Carl Amado, violin, Albert Lotto, piano
Sonata for Trumpet and Piano John Davison Terry Everson, trumpet, Susan Nowicki, piano
from Piano Music John Davison John Davison, piano


  • "John Davison has been on the Haverford music faculty since 1959. Although he is hardly a household name, his uncomplicated, beautifully crafted music will be enjoyed by anyone who appreciates the neo-romantic Americanism of such figures as Copland, Barber, and his teacher Howard Hanson. On this recording, his cause is abetted by wonderful performances. The Brahmsian Horn Sonata is especially winning, and is dispatched with both grace and power by William Purvis. The violin and trumpet sonatas are also comfortably tuneful and deftly sculptured. The delicate solo piano music, played by the composer, makes for a lovely and graceful conclusion to this CD."

    – Philadelphia City Paper

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