Orchestral Music of Fisher Tull

Willie Strieder (trumpet), Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra, Charles Anthony Johnson (conductor)

Catalog #: TROY0223
Release Date: February 1, 1997
Format: Digital

Here is a disc that makes a fine introduction to the music of an American composer whose name is most likely unfamiliar to you. Fisher Tull is as American as apple pie. He was born in Waco, Texas and died in Huntsville, Texas. After a brief sojourn with a traveling dance band, he entered the University of North Texas and earned three degrees; B. Mus. In music education, M. Mus. In music theory and a Ph.D. in composition having studied with Samuel Adler. He joined the music faculty at Sam Houston State University in 1957 and was appointed Chair of the Department in 1965, a position he held for 17 years. Most of his music is generally conservative and fairly traditional by contemporary standards, maintaining a clear tonal center spiced by carefully controlled dissonances. His Symphonic Treatise for Orchestra was conceived as a celebration for the 100-year alliance between the City of Waco and Baylor University and the silver anniversary of the Waco Symphony Orchestra. The Overture for a Legacy was commissioned by the Houston Symphony Orchestra and first performed on the Stokowski Legacy Series of concerts. The Capriccio was commissioned by the Houston Chamber Symphony and was first heard during the 1966-67 season. The Trumpet Concerto No. 1 received its first complete performance with James Austin, trumpet and Lawrence Foster conducting the Houston Symphony. "Doc" Severinsen later commissioned a Second Trumpet Concerto from Fisher Tull in 1974. This disc will be enjoyed by anyone who finds mainstream American music appealing.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Symphonic Treatise Fisher Tull Nrnberger Symphony Orchestra, Charles Johnson, conductor
Overture for a Legacy Fisher Tull Nrnberger Symphony Orchestra, Charles Johnson, conductor
Capriccio Fisher Tull Nrnberger Symphony Orchestra, Charles Johnson, conductor
Trumpet Concerto No. 1 Fisher Tull Nrnberger Symphony Orchestra, Charles Johnson, conductor, Willie Strieder, trumpet


  • "Fisher Tull (1934-1994) was an American composer who earned degrees from the University of North Texas and taught at Sam Houston State University, serving as Chair of the Music Department from 1965-82.These are traditional, tonal, melodic, cheerful, and colorful works, the music often punctuated by percussion.Tull may not be in Baker or Grove, but he is now in my memory bank and on my CD shelf. If it does not matter to the reader that this music does not have a strong personal profile, then get this disc of Americana. You will hear tonal melodies, a fine sense of form, imaginative scoring, and fine performances and sonics. Tull wrote more than 80 works _ perhaps we can hear more?"

    – American Record Guide

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