
Lauren Wagner (soprano), Frederick Weldy (piano), William Sharp (baritone), Lori Laitman (piano), Phyllis Bryn-Julson (soprano), Thomas Kraines (cello), Gary Louie (saxophone), Seth Knopp (piano)

Catalog #: TROY0393
Release Date: August 1, 2000
Format: Digital

Lori Laitman was graduated magna cum laude, with honors in music, from Yale College, and received her M.M. in flute performance from Yale School of Music. Her principal composition teachers were Jonathan Kramer and Frank Lewin. Her initial compositional focus was writing music for film and theater; in 1980, she composed the score to The Taming of the Shrew for the Folger Theatre in Washington. Since 1991, she has concentrated on composing for the voice. The works on this CD, for voice with a variety of accompaniments, reveal Ms. Laitman's ability to capture and highlight the spirit of each individual text.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
The Metropolitan Tower and Other Songs Lori Laitman Lauren Wagner, soprano; Frederick Weldy, piano
Mystery Lori Laitman William Sharp, baritone; Lori Laitman, piano
The Love Poems of Marichiko Lori Laitman Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; Thomas Kraines, cello
Echo Lori Laitman William Sharp, baritone; Lori Laitman, piano
The Ballad Singer Lori Laitman William Sharp, baritone; Lori Laitman, piano
I Never Saw Another Butterfly Lori Laitman Lauren Wagner, soprano; Gary Louie, saxophone
Days and Nights Lori Laitman Phyllis Bryn-Julson, soprano; Seth Knopp, piano


  • "Composer Lori Laitman knows how to let the voice soar and explore, and recitalists looking to update their concert repertory would do well to pick up this disc for ideas."


  • "Laitman is particularly adept at suiting rhythm to text...."

    – Schwann - Inside Jazz and Classical

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