Cold Water, Dry Stone

Jennifer Goltz (soprano), Quorum

Catalog #: TROY0422
Release Date: January 1, 2001
Format: Digital

Evan Chambers studied composition at the University of Michigan, where he joined the faculty in 1993. He is also a traditional Irish fiddler, and appears frequently as a performer of his own works. The composer writes: "I grew up on the edge of the suburbs. Living at a balance point between urban and rural, I did not fully belong in either world but always moved in both: symphony concerts, shopping malls, and trips to museums on one hand, and fields, ponds and endless walks in the woods on the other. I also occupied the dividing line between folk and classical music, surrounded as I was by my father's equally enthusiastic renditions of Tchaikovsky on the violin and John Henry on the five-string guitar. I came to love the beauty of in-between spaces." It can safely be said that Evan Chambers' music occupies most imaginatively all these in-between spaces.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Cold Water Dry Stone Evan Chambers Quorum
Three Tannahill Songs Evan Chambers Quorum; Jennifer Goltz, vocals
Crossroads Songs Evan Chambers Quorum; Jennifer Goltz, vocals
The Fire Hose Reel Evan Chambers Quorum
Come Down Heavy! Evan Chambers Quorum


  • "...this music sounds genuine and deeply rooted, respectful of the past yet forging a cogent personal style..."

    – New Music Connoisseur

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