Choral Trilogy

Liz Bacon (boy soprano), Misel Nikcevich (alto), Eleonore Schaff (oboe), Karen Strand (cor anglais), Ruth Dobson (soprano), Thomas Stanford (clarinet), Harold Gray (piano), Portland State University Chamber Choir, Portland State University Chamber Orchestra, Bruce Browne (conductor)

Catalog #: TROY0679
Release Date: July 1, 2004
Format: Digital

Margaret Garwood, like many earlier composers, is essentially self-taught. She passed the requirements for a Bachelor's degree in music by examination, and now holds a graduate degree in composition. She is greatly indebted to composers Julia Smith, Louise Talma, and especially Miriam Gideon for their support. While she has written several instrumental chamber works, the majority of her output is for voices, and includes four operas, numerous song cycles, and works for combined chorus and orchestra. Her operas have received fully staged productions in New York, Philadelphia and on the West Coast. They include The Trojan Women, The Nightingale and the Rose, Rappaccini's Daughter, and an opera for children entitled Joringel and the Songflower. She has written the librettos to all her own operas, with the exception of the first one. She is presently working on an opera based on Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Rainsongs Margaret Garwood Portland State Univ. Chamber Choir & Orchestra, Bruce Browne, conductor
Flowersongs Margaret Garwood Portland State Univ. Chamber Choir & Orchestra, Bruce Browne, conductor
Tombsongs Margaret Garwood Portland State Univ. Chamber Choir & Orchestra, Bruce Browne, conductor
Haiku Zoo Margaret Garwood Portland State Univ. Chamber Choir, Bruce Browne, conductor
Six Japanese Songs Margaret Garwood Ruth Dobson, soprano, Thomas Stanford, clarinet, Harold Gray, piano
The Cliff's Edge Margaret Garwood Ruth Dobson, soprano, Harold Gray, piano

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