Locklair: Chamber Music

Dan Locklair (composer)

Catalog #: TROY0701-02
Release Date: October 1, 2004
Format: Digital

Dan Locklair, a native of Charlotte, North Carolina, holds a Master of Sacred Music degree from the School of Sacred Music of Union Theological Seminary in New York City and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, New York. Presently, Dr. Locklair is Composer-in-Residence and Professor of Music at Wake Forest University. His prolific output includes symphonic works, a ballet, an opera and numerous solo, chamber, vocal and choral compositions. A professional organist at the age of 14. From 1973 to 1982, he was Church Musician of First Presbyterian Church in Binghamton, New York, and an instructor of music at Hartwick College in Oneonta, New York. His teachers have included Ezra Laderman, Samuel Adler and Joseph Schwantner.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Reynolda Reflections Dan Locklair Melissa Suhr, flute, Steve Estes, cello, Robert Brewer, piano
In the Almost Evening Dan Locklair Janeanne Houston, soprano, Craig Rine, clarinet, Robert Jorgensen, piano
Music of Quince Dan Locklair Anna Ludwig Wilson, flute, Kelly Burke, clarinet, Hsiao-Mei Ku, violin, Thomas Warburton, piano
"...the moon commands..." Dan Locklair Janeanne Houston, soprano, Klaus Liebetanz, flute, David Robbins, percussion, Robert Jorgensen, piano, Joseph White, conductor
Dream Steps Dan Locklair Anna Wilson, flute, Jonathan Bagg, viola, Jacquelyn Bartlett, harp
Constellations Dan Locklair George Ritchie, organ, Albert Rometo, percussion


  • "...an important American voice who deserves further recognition and performances..."

    – Music & Vision

  • "...all of the performances are excellent... This is a welcome exploration of chamber music beyond the usual string quartet or strings-with-piano format. All the works withstand the test of repeated listening, revealing different facets with each hearing."

    – Classical Voice of North Carolina

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