Seek The Eternal

Olga Grechko (soprano), Tatyana Rubinskaya (mezzo-soprano), Andrey Kuznev (tenor), Moscow New Choir, Russian State Symphony Cinema Orchestra, Timothy Mount (conductor)

Catalog #: TROY0778
Release Date: August 1, 2005
Format: Digital

The concept for Seek the Eternal began in the late 1980s when a friend of John Schlenck's suggested the idea of an interfaith oratorio. In pondering how to incorporate three different traditions - Christian, Jewish and Vedantic - Schlenck decided to tell one story: "a kind of universal pilgrim's progress, using a collage of texts from the major traditions....texts from the different traditions would flow into each other without interruption, demonstrating the universality of spiritual truth." The work was first performed in conjunction with a Parliament of the World's Religions held in Chicago in 1993. John Schlenck graduated from the Eastman School of Music with a major in composition and moved to New York City. There, he soon discovered his affinity with Indian thought and joined the Vedanta Society of New York. Serving as its music director since 1961, Schlenck has composed many songs and a number of larger works with Vedantic and other spiritual texts. His instrumental works include three symphonies, a clarinet concerto, and numerous chamber and solo compositions. This is his third recording on Albany Records.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Seek the Eternal for Chorus, Soloists and Chamber Orchestra John Schlenck Russian State Symphony Cinema Orchestra, Moscow New Choir, Timothy Mount, conductor, Olga Grechko, soprano, Tatyana Rubinskaya, mezzo-soprano, Andrey Kuznev, tenor

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