The Music Of Larry Smith

Katja Beer (soprano), Wroclaw Witold Lutoslawski Philharmonic, Larry Alan Smith (conductor)

Catalog #: TROY0796
Release Date: October 1, 2005
Format: Digital

Praised by the New York Times as a "young composer of great gifts," Larry Alan Smith has developed an international reputation as a composer, performer, educator and arts executive. He pursued his musical studies with Nadia Boulanger in France and at the Juilliard School with Vincent Persichetti. From 1980 to 1986 he also taught at Juilliard; previously he was on the composition faculty of the Boston Conservatory. It's always a pleasure to welcome a new name to the catalog, especially when this release features significant orchestral works: the Three Movements, full of drama and virtuoso writing; the introspective Crucifixus, the Symphony No.2 with its program describing the relationship of man and the world (with a depiction of the Civil War battle at Antietam, West Virginia) and the charming Serenade, a wedding present to his wife Marguerita. This is an exceptional way to make your acquaintance with an important American composer.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Three Movements for Orchestra Larry Alan Smith Wroclaw Philharmonic, Larry Alan Smith, conductor
Symphony No. 2 "Genesis/Antietam" Larry Alan Smith Wroclaw Philharmonic, Larry Alan Smith, conductor
Crucifixus for soprano and ororchestra Larry Alan Smith Wroclaw Philharmonic, Larry Alan Smith, conductor, Katja Beer, soprano

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