William Wallace – Viola Concerto

Joel Rosenberg (viola), Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, London Symphony Orchestra

Catalog #: TROY0799
Release Date: December 1, 2005
Format: Digital

As we pointed out in our previous release of Wallace's orchestral music (TROY557), he is no relation to the Scottish composer of the same name who lived from 1860-1940. He is definitely a modern composer with roots in traditional Romanticism but with contemporary elements that give his music a fresh sound. His principal teachers were Utah's Leroy Robertson, Egon Wellesz and Edmund Rubbra. The last is the composer Wallace most resembles; the Concerto Variations is a work of grand stature, similar in scope to the British master's earlier Symphonies. In contrast is the delightful Second Dance Suite and Cantilena, which reveal Wallace's affinity for Baroque forms. The Viola Concerto is a concise, lightly-scored work which certainly makes a welcome contribution to the still-small repertoire of modern works for the instrument. This will have great appeal for listeners who enjoy neo-Romantic music.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Concertino for Viola and Chamber Orchestra William Wallace Joel Rosenberg, viola, Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Kirk Trevor, conductor
Concerto Variations William Wallace London Symphony Orchestra, Boris Brott, conductor
Cantilena William Wallace Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Kirk Trevor, conductor
Second Dance Suite William Wallace Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Kirk Trevor, conductor

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