
Ron Blessinger (violin), Todd Kuhns (clarinet), Phillip Hansen (cello), Susan Smith (piano), The Bakken Trio

Catalog #: TROY0813
Release Date: January 1, 2006
Format: Digital

Joseph Waters writes, "I find this juxtaposition of contemporary electro-acoustic ephemera with a collection of musical instruments and a performance practice that predates the age of technology to be simultaneously anachronistic and engaging. It is my goal to create strong and deep tie lines that connect the present surface to the ancient seabed miles below. This is my celebratory reaction to our current milieu, which juxtaposes Mozart one minute with rap music the next. There are many connections between them, which I find fascinating and exhilarating." This music bears tribute to Debussy and Messiaen (Ocean Eyes), explores Afro-Cuban influences (Witches of the Unconscious) and the worlds of seabirds and exotic marine life (Ghosts and Aloiloi) as well as the phenomenon of intense fright when suddenly awakening from a deep sleep (Kanashibari) and the onset of morning (Loneliness). Born in 1952, Waters is Associate Professor of Music Composition and Director of Electro-Acoustic and Media Composition at San Diego State University. His first musical experiences included playing in a rock band, and the myriad influences of the world and its music figure in his own compositions.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Ocean Eyes Joseph Waters Todd Kuhns, clarinet, Ron Blessinger, violin, Phili Hansen, cello, Susan Smith, piano
Witches of the Unconscious-Son Clave Joseph Waters Bakken Trio
Ghosts of the Evening Tides Joseph Waters Bakken Trio
Aloilo, Pakuikui Joseph Waters Bakken Trio
Kanashibari Joseph Waters Philip Hansen, cello
Loneliness of the Sun Joseph Waters Bakken Trio


  • "...a fascinating...program..."

    – American Record Guide

  • "... a skilled, provocative composer of diverse music for acoustic and electronic instruments...."

    – Eugene Weekly

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.