Creation’s Voice

Mark Lawrence (tenor), Ken Meyer (guitar), Eileen Strempel (soprano), Christopher Dranchek (flute), Patricia DeAngelis (piano), George Macero (cello), John Lathwell (oboe), Karlinda Caldicott (harp), Sylvie Beaudette (piano)

Catalog #: TROY0879
Release Date: October 1, 2006
Format: Digital

Nicholas Anthony Ascioti was born in Syracuse, and attended the College of St. Rose in Albany, New York where he graduated in Composition and Conducting. Since then, the College has performed his music and sponsored an entire evening of his works. He earned his Master of Fine Arts degree in Composition from Bennington College in Vermont. Among his teachers were Allen Shawn, Dr. Amy Williams and Stephen Siegel. Nicholas received his professional debut at 21 with a commission from David Alan Miller. Judge, Jury and Executioner was premiered by the Dogs of Desire, a chamber ensemble of the Albany Symphony Orchestra. Nicholas is currently a composer-in-residence with the Society for New Music in Syracuse and as a conductor, focuses on 20th century repertoire. The pieces presented here offer a variety of perspectives in both textural and musical form. They reveal our human desire to connect, to relate - to ourselves, to other human beings, to the cosmic reality of being, and ultimately to the Source of our being.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Credo Nicholas Ascioti Mark Lawrence, tenor, Kenneth Meyer, guitar
Natural Questions Nicholas Ascioti Eileen Strempel, soprano, Christopher Dranchek, flute, Patricia DeAngelis, piano
One Child's Life Nicholas Ascioti Mark Lawrence, tenor, George Macero, cello
Music of the Spheres Nicholas Ascioti Mark Lawrence, tenor, John Lathwell, oboe, Karlinda Caldicott, harp
Four Settings of Margaret Atwood Nicholas Ascioti Eileen Strempel, soprano, Sylvie Beaudette, piano

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.