Raymond Wojcik – Akin to Fire

Moravian Philharmonic, Joel Eric Suben (conductor); Rzeszow Philharmonic Orchestra, Raymond Wojcik (conductor)

Catalog #: TROY0898
Release Date: February 1, 2007
Format: Digital

Born in Perth Amboy, New Jersey, Raymond Wojcik is a composer, conductor and educator. A graduate of the Manhattan School of Music and the Lamont School of Music at the University of Denver, his composition teachers were David Schiff and Donald Keats. His conducting studies were with George Manahan, Michael Charry and Harold Farberman. His music is emotionally direct and spontaneous, with elements of jazz in the Dance Symphony and a keen understanding of the creativity of young children in The Art Spirit, in which the composer was given the task of creating symphonic movements in response to students' artwork. Akin to Fire reflects a musical kinship the composer felt to Beethoven's Grosse Fugue, Op. 133 which he reexamined while in the middle of writing the work. But his comments about Jubilee, commissioned by the New Jersey Youth Symphony, best sum up his aesthetic: "My inspiration for this overture came from the young musicians themselves who possessed a wonderful level of energy, dedication, and love of music. I also could not help but notice a "love" of cell phones, video games and chatting when not engrossed in music making. As a result, I incorporated musical ideas that suggest those things into the compositional fabric."


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Jubilee Raymond Wojcik Moravian Philharmonic, Joel Eric Suben, conductor
Akin to Fire Raymond Wojcik Moravian Philharmonic, Joel Eric Suben, conductor
Dance Symphony Raymond Wojcik Rzeszow Philharmonic Orchestra, Raymond Wojcik, conductor
The Art Spirit Raymond Wojcik Rzeszow Philharmonic Orchestra, Raymond Wojcik, conductor


  • "Wojcik's...compositions have a lyricism that's disarmingly attractive."

    – Star Ledger

  • "...Wojcik is a composer of creativity, craft, and imagination."

    – American Record Guide

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