Arrows of the Queen

Mercedes Lackey (author); Carole Edie Smith (reader)

Catalog #: TROY0899a
Release Date: March 28, 2006
Format: Physical

First ever audio recording of this leading fantasy author's favorite series. Arrows of the Queen, read by Carole Edie Smith, is the first book in a series centered around Valdemar, a world full of fascinating creatures and compelling characters. This story features Talia, a young girl desperate to escape the strictures of her conservative society. Her life is changed in an instance when she encounters a Companion and is chosen to replace the recently murdered Queen's Own Herald. As she begins her training Talia has no idea that a spoiled Princess, some nobly-born bullies, and a conspiracy that will threaten her life will all stand between her and the destiny she must fulfill. (Eight compact discs)


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