Hommages Musicaux

Andrey Kasparov (piano), Desiree Ruhstrat (violin), David Cunliffe (cello), Timothy Olbrych (guitar), Lisa Relaford Coston (mezzo-soprano), Oksana Lutsyshyn (piano), Pavel Ilyashov (violin)

Catalog #: TROY0922
Release Date: May 1, 2007
Format: Digital

Ever since 16th century France the term tombeau (French for "tomb" or "tombstone") has denoted a set of poetic or musical compositions honoring the memory of a person, whether eminent or ordinary, real or imaginary. While the authorships of literary tombeaux were quite often collective, music tombeaux were usually created by individual composers and performers (i.e. Ravel's Tombeau de Couperin). It is no surprise that the death of the profoundly influential Claude Debussy (1862-1918) prompted Revue Musicale, a foremost music publication in Paris, to commission pieces from some leading European composers and performers, for a collection of works eulogizing the great composer. Each one of these musicians contributed to Tombeau in a unique and innately personal way, most of the works later becoming known as both individual pieces and parts of larger compositions). Encouraged by the success of Tombeau de Claude Debussy, Revue Musicale came up with another collection honoring the preeminent French composer and pedagogue Gabriel Faure (1845-1924). Composed by seven of Faure's best-known pupils (all French except for the Rumanian Enesco), the suite was completed and published by 1922, while the composer was still alive.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Tombeau de Claude Debussy: La plainte, au loin, du faune Paul Dukas Andrey Kasparov, piano
Tombeau de Claude Debussy: L'Accueil des Muses Albert Roussel Andrey Kasparov, piano
Tombeau de Claude Debussy: A Claudio Debussy Gian Francesco Malipiero Andrey Kasparov, piano
Tombeau de Claude Debussy: Hommage à Debussy Eugene Goossens Andrey Kasparov, piano
Tombeau de Claude Debussy: Improvisation on a Hungarian Peasant Song Béla Bartok Andrey Kasparov, piano
Tombeau de Claude Debussy: Et Pan, au fond des blés lunaires, s'accouda Florent Schmitt Andrey Kasparov, piano
Tombeau de Claude Debussy: Fragment des Symphonies pour instruments à vent à la mémoire de C.A. Debussy Igor Stravinsky Andrey Kasparov, piano
Tombeau de Claude Debussy: Duo pour Violine et Violoncelle Maurice Ravel Desiree Ruhstrat, violin, David Cunliffe, cello
Tombeau de Claude Debussy: Homenaja Manuel de Falla Timothy Olbrych, guitar
Tombeau de Claude Debussy: Que me font ses vallon Erik Satie Lisa Coston, mezzo-soprano, Andrey Kasparov, piano
Hommage à Gabriel Fauré: Seven Pieces on the Name of Fauré: Berceuse sur le nom de Gabriel Fauré Maurice Ravel Pavel Ilyashov, violin
Hommage à Gabriel Fauré: Seven Pieces on the Name of Fauré George Enescu Oksana Lutsyshyn, piano
Hommage à Gabriel Fauré: Seven Pieces on the Name of Fauré Louis Aubert Oksana Lutsyshyn, piano
Hommage à Gabriel Fauré: Seven Pieces on the Name of Fauré Florent Schmitt Oksana Lutsyshyn, piano
Hommage à Gabriel Fauré: Seven Pieces on the Name of Fauré Charles Koechlin Oksana Lutsyshyn, Andrey Kasparov, piano four hands
Hommage à Gabriel Fauré: Seven Pieces on the Name of Fauré Paul Ladmirault Oksana Lutsyshyn, piano
Hommage à Gabriel Fauré: Seven Pieces on the Name of Fauré Jean Roger-Ducasse Oksana Lutsyshyn, Andrey Kasparov, piano four hands


  • "Hats off to the Kasparov-Lutsyshyn piano duo team for bringing these fascinating pieces to us in their original forms. ...the pianism displayed by this couple, both as soloists and collaborators makes this release well worth searching out."

    – American Record Guide

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