Streams in the Desert

Meira Warshauer (composer), Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Kirk Trevor (conductor), conductor, Slovak Philharmonic Chorus

Catalog #: TROY0973
Release Date: November 1, 2007
Format: Digital

A student of Mario Davidovsky, Jacob Druckman and William Thomas McKinley, Meira Warshauer has devoted much of her creative output to Jewish themes and their universal message. As she writes, “The Torah, Jewish teaching and tradition, is likened to water. It is the source of blessing and goodness, filling all who drink from its well with the knowledge of God. I hope this recording will help to satisfy our thirst and encourage us to continue opening our hearts to the Eternal Spirit in each of us.”


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Shacharit Meira Warshauer Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Kirk Trevor, conductor, Slovak Philharmonic Chorus, Stephanie Gregory, soprano, Michael Hendrick, tenor, Carol Potter, narrator
Like Streams in the Desert Meira Warshauer Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Kirk Trevor, conductor, Slovak Philharmonic Chorus
Ahavah Meira Warshauer Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Kirk Trevor, conductor, Slovak Philharmonic Chorus, Jennifer Hines, mezzo-soprano


  • "Critics have described Meira Warshauer's music as 'spiritually ecstatic, beautifully felt...representation of [the] mystical creative process.' The three pieces on this recording are the complete embodiment of that sentiment."

    – Classical Voice of North Carolina

  • "Composer Meira Warshauer's glorious interpretation of the Shabbat morning lush, powerful and moving..."

    – Hadassah Magazine

  • "...Meira Warshauer is a composer whose music, in the words of Ina Ester-Joost, 'comes from a place which is beyond music. It's like a prayer...from deep within the soul.'"

    – Pytheas Center for Contemporary Music

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