Harpsichord Music by Israeli Composers

Marina Minkin (harpsichord)

Catalog #: TROY0977
Release Date: November 1, 2007
Format: Digital

Music from an ancient land meets an instrument of antiquity: the result is a fascinating collection of music by composers either born in Israel or settling there from many points in Europe. Soloist Marina Minkin herself came from the Ukraine in 1981. A student of Mark Kroll, she is active in both Israel and the United States and is a founding member and director of the Ad Libitum Ensemble.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Improvisation on a Persian Song Haim Alexander Marina Minkin, harpsichord
Elegy (Canaanite Fantasy No. 3) Yinam Leef Marina Minkin, harpsichord
Four Keyboard Pieces Yehezkel Braun Marina Minkin, harpsichord
7-11, and Much Later... Uri Brener Marina Minkin, harpsichord
Three Dances for Harpsichord Dina Smorgonsky Marina Minkin, harpsichord
Petite Suite for Recorder and Harpsichord Benjamin Bar-Am Marina Minkin, harpsichord, Drora Bruck, recorder
Variations for Harpsichord Sergiu Natra Marina Minkin, harpsichord
Sonata a tre for Mandolin, Guitar and Harpsichord Paul Ben-Haim Marina Minkin, harpsichord, Alon Sariel, mandolin, Hanan Feinstein, guitar


  • "Israeli harpsichordist Marina Minkin is alert to both the nationalist core of these works and to the various influences each individual composer has sought out. An unexpectedly delightful find."

    – AllMusic guide

  • "Each work is a delight, taking full advantage of the harpsichord's properties. A marvelous introduction to contemporary Israeli composers and a sheer joy in its own right."

    – AJL Newsletter

  • "With her choice of high-quality Israeli harpsichord music, Minkin's playing leaves no stone unturned. Her technique is crystal clean and boasts ease; her ability to interpret very different styles is evident throughout. Above all, Minkin's playing delights the senses."

    – Harpsichord & Fortepiano

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