Jon Magnussen – Music for Limón Dances

Sumner Thompson (baritone), Members of the Juilliard Orchestra, Westminster Kantorei, baritone, Institute Festival Orchestra, David Briskin, Mark Laycock

Catalog #: TROY1021
Release Date: July 1, 2008
Format: Digital

The music on this disc came to be out of a unique collaboration between three artists spanning three generations: José Limon, Jon Magnussen and Carla Maxwell, the artistic director for the Limón Dance Company. After Limón's death, the ballet Winged was revived. There was a need for a new score and Magnussen was chosen from a pool of graduate students at Juilliard to write the music. Because that collaboration proved so successful, Carla Maxwell asked Magnussen to write a new score for Psalm when she revived the dance.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
The Winged Jon Magnussen Members of the Juilliard Orchestra, David Briskin, conductor
Psalm Jon Magnussen Westminster Kantorei, Sumner Thompson, baritone, Institute Festival Orchestra, Mark Laycock conductor


  • "Jon Magnussen writes attractive, well-made music. ...there is much to enjoy here, as a result of Magnussen's vigorous imagination and jazzy sense of rhythm."

    – Fanfare

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