New Dawn

Amanda Forsythe (soprano), Jeffrey Grossman (piano)

Catalog #: TROY1053
Release Date: October 1, 2008
Format: Digital

The distinguished composer Carson Cooman writes,"The works on this disc date from an eleven year period (1997-2008) and were chosen to create an interrelated program of songs and piano pieces. As a composer who has always believed strongly in the need and importance of music for all purposes and the value of new music in everyday life, these small pieces are something I take every bit as seriously as writing a large-scale concerto or symphony. The overall intent is a life-affirming celebration of the American experience: emotional, physical, and natural." Cooman (b.1982) has an extensive catalogue of works in many forms, ranging from solo instrumental pieces to operas, and from orchestral works to hymn tunes. He is in continual demand for new commissions and his music has been performed on all six inhabited continents.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
New Dawn Carson Cooman Jeffrey Grossman, piano
Chorale Preludes Carson Cooman Jeffrey Grossman, piano
Bell Mosaic Carson Cooman Jeffrey Grossman, piano
Oakdale Sketchbook Carson Cooman Jeffrey Grossman, piano
Aria: Yet Brighter Light Carson Cooman Jeffrey Grossman, piano
Rainshower Carson Cooman Jeffrey Grossman, piano
Kahlenberg Carson Cooman Jeffrey Grossman, piano
Winter Sonatina Carson Cooman Jeffrey Grossman, piano
Mountain Toccata Carson Cooman Jeffrey Grossman, piano
Gold into Diamonds Carson Cooman Amanda Forsythe, soprano, Jeffrey Grossman, piano
Seven Haiku Carson Cooman Amanda Forsythe, soprano, Jeffrey Grossman, piano
Lingerling, Lonely Callings Carson Cooman Amanda Forsythe, soprano, Jeffrey Grossman, piano


  • "The songs are quite lovely and are very singable, with good vocal lines and accompaniments that don't go against the sung music..."

    – MusicWeb

  • "Soprano Forsythe has a light, flexible voice whose lovely, intimate quality is very well suited to the spirit of Cooman's vocal writing. ...This release is an excellent introduction to Cooman, one of the most fascinating of today's youngest generation of composers."

    – Fanfare

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.