Selections from Chéri

Erik Lautier (tenor), Katrin Stamatis (violin), Marni Nixon (soprano), Elena Shaddow (vocals), Charlotte Cohn (soprano), Lorinde Lisitza (vocals), Christopher Miele (alto saxophone), Maggi-Meg Reed (mezzo-soprano), Peter Clark (baritone), Emily Schaefer (cello), Mark Shapiro

Catalog #: TROY1129
Release Date: August 1, 2009
Format: Digital

Composer Michael Dellaira and librettist Susan Yankowitz have written Chéri, a musical drama based on the novel by Colette. This recording consists of selections from The Actors Studio Workshop production in 2005. Dellaira chose his favorite musical passages without regard to whether they tell an abridged version of the story but listening to the selections gives one an accurate picture. Dellaira is currently composer-in-residence at The Center for Contemporary Opera and is at work on an opera based on Joseph Conrad's novel, The Secret Agent, with a libretto by J.D. McClatchy.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Selections from Chéri Michael Dellaira Erik Lautier, Maggi-Meg Reed, Elena Shaddow, Marni Nixon, Lorinda Lisitza, Peter Clark, Charlotte Cohn, Actors Studio Workshop, Mark Shapiro, conductor

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