Kerry Turner: Orchestral Music

Kyle Turner (tuba), Charles Putnam (horn), Polish Symphony Orchestra Iuventus, American Horn Quartet, Dariusz Wisniewski

Catalog #: TROY1141
Release Date: October 1, 2009
Format: Digital

Originally from Texas, Turner has resided in Luxembourg for more than 25 years. He is a member of the world-famous American Horn Quartet and a member of the Luxembourg Philharmonic. Turner has been composing since the age of 10. His principal successes as a composer have been in the chamber music genre, more specifically for brass. The works recorded here were all composed by Kerry Turner in the mid-1990s and represent four of his major works Ñ in gorgeous surround sound.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Karankawa Kerry Turner Sinfonia Iuventus, Dariusz Wisniewski, conductor
Introduction and Main Event Kerry Turner American Horn Quartet, Sinfonia Iuventus, Dariusz Wisniewski, conductor
Concerto for Tuba and Orchestra Kerry Turner Kyle Turner, tuba, Sinfonia Iuventus, Dariusz Wisniewski, conductor
Concerto for Low Horn and Chamber Orchestra Kerry Turner Charles Putnam, Frenchhorn, Sinfonia Iuventus, Dariusz Wisniewski, conductor


  • "Kerry Turner is a fortunate American composer to get this excellent hi-res surround disc with top-rate performances of his music. ...These four works are strongly melodious and highly individual, with some surprising and often haunting passages in them."

    – Audiophile Audition

  • "Karankawa is a all of Turner's music, abounds in technical, virtuosity, whimsy, and enthusiasm."

    – American Record Guide

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