Anthony Brandt: The Birth of Something

Blake Wilkins (percussion), Karol Bennett (soprano), Michael Chioldi (baritone), Brian Connelly (piano), Maia String Quartet, Enso String Quartet, Jonathan Shames

Catalog #: TROY1144
Release Date: October 1, 2009
Format: Digital

Highlighting this recording is the chamber opera, The Birth of Something on a libretto by Will Eno. Commissioned by Da Camera of Houston, The Birth of Something represents an important, elegant, and highly personal contribution to the genre. An associate professor of composition at Rice University, composer Anthony Brandt earned his degrees from the California Institute of the Arts and Harvard. Among his many honors and awards are a Koussevitzky Commission from the Library of Congress and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and the New England Foundation for the Arts. He is co-founder and artistic director of the Houston-based contemporary music ensemble Musiqa.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
The Birth of Something Anthony Brandt Karol Bennett, soprano, Michael Chioldi, baritone, Maia String Quartet, Blake Wilkins, percussion, Jonathan Shames, conductor
The Dragon and the Undying Anthony Brandt Karol Bennett, soprano, Enso String Quartet
Slumber-Song Anthony Brandt Karol Bennett, soprano, Enso String Quartet
Creeley Songs Anthony Brandt Karol Bennett, soprano, Brian Connelly, piano

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