Invocations: Music by Dalit Hadass Warshaw

Wendy Warner (cello), Dalit Hadass Warshaw (theremin), Re'ut ben Ze'ev (soprano), Dalit Hadass Warshaw (piano), Momenta Quartet

Catalog #: TROY1238
Release Date: January 1, 2011
Format: Digital

This recording allowed composer Dalit Hadass Warshaw to feature and reconcile diverse aspects of her musical identity -- composer, pianist, and thereminist. The music runs across a broad harmonic spectrum with music ranging from solo instrumental works to string quartet to voice. It also highlights Warshaw's mission to integrate the theremin with acoustic ensembles as her music for this instrument features the more lyrical, vocal and expressive capacities of this unusual instrument. The theremin used for this recording belonged to Clara Rockmore and was customized for her by its inventor, Lev Theremin, in the early 1930s. A prolific composer and active performer, Ms Warshaw's music has been widely praised for its lyricism, its unique orchestral palette, its sense of drama and emotional intensity.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Desert Call Dalit Hadass Warshaw Wendy Warner, cello
Transformation Dalit Hadass Warshaw Dalit Hadass Warshaw, theremin, The Momenta Quartet
The "Dreidl" Variations Dalit Hadass Warshaw Dalit Hadass Warshaw, piano
Fable Dalit Hadass Warshaw The Momenta Quartet
Kiddush ha-Levanah Dalit Hadass Warshaw Re'ut Ben-Ze'ev, soprano, Dalit Hadass Warshaw, piano
Nizk'orah Dalit Hadass Warshaw Dalit Hadass Warshaw, piano and theremins I and II


  • "This is a very special CD...I highly recommend a wonderful introduction to a new and unusual compositional voice."

    – Fanfare

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