Commissions and Concertos

Alex Jokipii (trumpet), Randall Hawes (bass trombone), Suny Fredonia Wind Ensemble, Paula Holcomb

Catalog #: TROY1252
Release Date: March 1, 2011
Format: Digital
Wind Ensemble

The SUNY Fredonia Wind Ensemble conducted by Paul Holcomb, presents its first recording that includes music commissioned for the Ensemble and superb soloists. The renowned bass trombone player, Randall Hawes, is featured on Hungarian composer Hidas Frigyes' Rhapsody and Alex Jokipii, principal trumpet of the Buffalo Philharmonic is the soloist for Jerzy Sapievevski's Concerto. There is also a Concerto for Percussion by Japanese composer Toshiro Mayuzumi with soloists from the Wind Ensemble. Mark Engebretson's Symphony for Winds is a commissioned work and this as well as Karl Boelter's Mountains and Mesas receive their world premiere recordings.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Symphony for Winds Mark Engebretson SUNY Fredonia Wind Ensemble, Paula Holcomb, conductor
Rhapsody for Bass Trombone and Wind Band Frigyes Hidas SUNY Fredonia Wind Ensemble, Paula Holcomb, conductor, Randall Hawes, bass trombone
Concerto for Percussion and Wind Orchestra Toshiro Mayuzumi SUNY Fredonia Wind Ensemble, Paula Holcomb, conductor
Concerto for Trumpet and Wind Orchestra Jerzy Sapieyevski SUNY Fredonia Wind Ensemble, Paula Holcomb, conductor, Alex Jokipii, trumpet
Mountains and Mesas Karl Boelter SUNY Fredonia Wind Ensemble, Paula Holcomb, conductor

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