agevolmente: Chamber Music of David Dies

Jakub Jerzy Omsky (cello), Judith Kellock (soprano), Christopher Taylor (piano), Mimmi Fulmer (soprano), Marc Vallon (bassoon), Elizabeth Larson (violin), Katrin Talbot (viola), Elizabeth Marshall (flute), Marc Fink (oboe), Karl Lavine (cello), Suzanne Beia (violin)

Catalog #: TROY1263
Release Date: June 1, 2011
Format: Digital

The music of composer David Dies (b. 1972) has been performed in venues around the world, including London, Lima, New York City, Chicago, Lenox, Massachusetts, Ithaca, New York, and Madison, Wisconsin, where he has been both student and teacher. Notable performances include sopranos Mimmi Fulmer and Judith Kellock, cellist Jakub Omsky, pianist Christopher Taylor and bassoonist Marc Vallon, among others, who are featured on this recording. He currently teaches music theory and composition at Lawrence University in Appleton, Wisconsin. Dies comments that, "I titled the CD, agevolmente, because the complicated path I took to find the "simple" term reminds me of a central irony in my music. Generally, I want my music to sound comfortable, natural, elegant, and easy, but it takes a high level of skill, musicianship, and concentration to perform. I want the music to sound unlabored and simple when, for the performer, it can be exacting and complex."


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
The Garden of Song David Dies Jakub Omsky, cello
Lorca Songs David Dies Judith Kellock, soprano, Jakub Omsky, cello
Dance Variations on a Theme by Persichetti David Dies Christopher Taylor, piano
un(bee)mo David Dies Mimmi Fulmer, Judith Kellock, sopranos
Kai-'r/xhqt(I)s David Dies Marc Vallon, bassoon
Prayers and Meditations David Dies Judith Kellock, soprano, Elizabeth Larson, violn, Jakub Omsky, cello
White Tea David Dies Jakub Omsky, cello
Reference (Collection): David Dies Mimmi Fulmer, Elizabeth Marshall, flute, Marc Fink, oboe, Katrin Talbot, viola, Karl Lavine, cello
tinnitus David Dies Elizabeth Marshall, flute, Suzanne Beia, violin, Katrin Talbot, viola


  • "Evident are Dies's interest in poetry of many different kinds and well as his sensitivity to subtle shades of timbre, exploitation of spare textures...and predilection for a certain ceremonial austerity that evokes ancient, remote, or hieratic ritual. ...Performances are excellent..."

    – American Record Guide

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