My Barn Having Burned to the Ground, I Can Now See the Moon

Laura Frautschi (violin), John Blacklow (piano), Sophie Shao (cello), Daniel Panner (viola), Jennifer Frautschi (violin), Deborah Boldin (flute), Sabrina Laerman (soprano), Tara Helen O'Connor (flute), Alan R. Kay (clarinet)

Catalog #: TROY1303
Release Date: October 1, 2011
Format: Digital

Barbara White's music subverts our presumptions and compels us to alter the way we listen, to discard tired preconceptions and generic expectations. She projects a sense of stillness in the midst of intense activity and activity within stillness: we are directed to find the calm center in the furiously moving; alternately, we are invited to listen deeply and actively to the quieter music, to sense a vast reservoir of unexpressed energy, to enter the depths of reverberaÂtion and enjoy the subtle decay of harmonics, to be thrown off balance by an unexpectedly delayed or anticipated attack. This music of transparent density and dense transparency compels us. Its surprises enlighten rather than shock. White's music has been presented by ensembles such as the Orchestra of St. Luke's Chamber Ensemble, Earplay, eighth blackbird, and janus. Honors and awards include a Fellowship from the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, three awards from the American Academy of Arts and Letters, and a 2003 Guggenheim Fellowship. Ms. White is Professor of Music at Princeton University.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Five Elements Barbara White Jeffifer Frautschi, Laura Frautschi, violins, Daniel Panner, viola, Sophie Shao, cello, John Blacklow, piano
Enough Rope Barbara White Sabrina Learman, soprano, Deborah Boldin, flute
The Wound and the Eye Barbara White John Blacklow, piano
My barn having burned to the ground, I can now see the moon Barbara White Tara O'Connor, flute, Alan Kay, clarinet, Laura Frautschi, violin, Sophie Shao, cello, John Blacklow, piano

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