Free Flying

Krista Wallace-Boaz (piano), Brett Shuster (trombone), University of Louisville Faculty Brass Quintet, University of Louisville Wind Ensemble, Frederick Speck

Catalog #: TROY1318
Release Date: December 1, 2011
Format: Digital

A graduate of the New England Conservatory, Northwestern University and Arizona State University, trombonist Brett Shuster was a member of the Chestnut Brass Company, traveling with the ensemble internationally. He has appeared with the Louisville Orchestra, San Diego Symphony Phoenix Symphony, Vermont Symphony, Arizona Opera and the Boston Philharmonic. He has performed as a soloist and conductor at the Seminario de Musica de Montenegro in Brazil. Shuster served on the faculty at Temple University and Western Illinois University before joining the faculty at the University of Louisville where he teaches trombone to classical and jazz students. He offers a varied program of world premiere recordings of works by five gifted American composers.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Sonata for Trombone and Piano John Stevens Brett Shuster, trombone, Krista Wallace-Boaz, piano
The Flying Boy Steve Rouse Brett Shuster, trombone, Univ. of Louisville Faculty Brass Quintet
Freefall Frederick Speck Brett Shuster, trombone, Krista Wallace-Boaz, piano
Sonata for Trombone and Piano Stanley Friedman Brett Shuster, trombone, Krista Wallace-Boaz, pianoPaul Brink Variations for Trombone and BandBrett Shuster, trombone, Univ. of Louisville Wind Ensemble, Frederick Speck, conductor

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