Angel of the Amazon

Encompass New Opera Theatre

Catalog #: TROY1323-24
Release Date: May 1, 2012
Format: Digital

This new American opera by Evan Mack had its genesis in a lecture in Cincinnati, Ohio, where Mack heard the story of the murdered nun, Dorothy Stang. His research led him to the Ohio Province of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur where he was given access to Stang's letters from 1969 until the week before her death. In five years time, the opera went from page to stage and won the Boston Metro Opera Main Stage Award. This recording is of the original New York City production. Evan Mack, a noted composer and pianist, has composed five musicals as well as numerous popular songs and classical works. He received his DMA from the University of Cincinnati's College-Conservatory of Music.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Angel of the Amazon Evan Mack Caitlin Mathes, José Rubio, Michael Armstrong Barr, Jose Candelaria, Jennifer Caruana, Amanda-Camille Isaac, Doublas Jabara, Amanda Lee, Barrett D. Mack, Brittany Palmer, Adam Russell, Justin Ryan, Elex Lee Van, Lara Stevens, cast, IONISATION New Music Ensemble, Mara Waldman, conductor


  • "The music is engagingly lyrical"

    – American Record Guide

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