Angels & Demons

Timothy Buzbee, Faith Debow, James Grant

Catalog #: TROY1328
Release Date: January 1, 2012
Format: Digital

For his third recording on Albany Records, tuba phenomenon Tim Buzbee has produced an excellent selection of recorded works for the tuba, this time featuring an eclectic group of composers (including Buzbee himself) and their unique styles. One could say that Buzbee's approach to music and playing the tuba is emotionally charged and perhaps even spiritually driven, and that underlying energy clearly reveals itself through the music in the pieces recorded here. Adding to that energy is a certain spiritual dichotomy that conjures up mental images of angels and demons or good versus evil. Many of the pieces presented here delve deep into the soul triggering a range of emotions from sadness and pain to exuberance and joy. The music is so emoÂtional and moving that it is easily forgotten you are listening to a tuba, and in doing so Buzbee has achieved what every musician strives to accomplish.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Fantasia a due Alfred Reed Tim Buzbee, tuba, Faith Debow, piano
Elegy for an Angel Barbara York Tim Buzbee, tuba, Faith Debow, piano
Salve Venere, Salve Marte John Stevens Tim Buzbee, tuba, Faith Debow, piano
Von ewiger Liebe, Op. 43, No. 1 Johannes Brahms Tim Buzbee, tuba, Faith Debow, piano
Wie Melodien zieht es Mir, Op. 105, No. 1 Johannes Brahms Tim Buzbee, tuba, Faith Debow, piano
Sonata del Angel Caido Ferrer Ferran Tim Buzbee, tuba, Faith Debow, piano
Waltz for Betz James Grant Tim Buzbee, tuba, Faith Debow, piano
Three Miniatures for Tuba and Piano Anthony Plog Tim Buzbee, tuba, Faith Debow, piano
Gabriel's Oboe Ennio Morricone Tim Buzbee, tuba, Faith Debow, piano
Apocalyptic Voices James Meador Tim Buzbee, tuba, Faith Debow, piano
Canto Serioso Carl Nielsen Tim Buzbee, tuba, Faith Debow, piano
Tubifer's Saga Tim Buzbee Tim Buzbee, tuba, Faith Debow, piano

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.