
Molly Morkoski (piano)

Catalog #: TROY1342
Release Date: March 1, 2012
Format: Digital

Molly Morkoski introduces her disc noting that "The selections on this disc encompass my musical journey as a college and graduate student through my time as a beginning professional in New York City. Three of the works represent my time in study with teaches whose musical input and genius still instructs my work today...There is the traditional repertoire of my youth and undergraduate studies, the period of discovery and love of new harmonic and rhythmic structures from my time as a master's student, and a final synthesis and balance of all styles from my time as both a doctoral student and professional musician in New York City." Morkoski has performed as a soloist and collaborative artist throughout the U.S., Europe and Japan, and has appeared at major concert halls and festivals around the world. She was a Fulbright scholar and the recipient of the Teresa Sterne Career Grant and the Thayer-Ross Awards. She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Indiana University and SUNY-Stony Brook. Currently she is on the faculty at CUNY's Lehman College.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Six Bagatelles, Op. 126 Ludwig van Beethoven Molly Morkoski, piano
Blue Bamboula Charles Wuorinen Molly Morkoski, piano
Ballade in F Minor, Op. 52 Frédéric Chopin Molly Morkoski, piano
Toccata: Image de Moreau Louis Andriessen Molly Morkoski, piano
China Gates John Adams Molly Morkoski, piano
Sonata No. 3 in A Minor, Op. 28 Sergei Prokofiev Molly Morkoski, piano


  • "this CD is a winner. In the deceptively easy Bagatelles, her playing is beyond re-proach–listen to the sparkling runs of the Andante con moto, to the perfectly controlled frenzy of the Allegro and Presto, or the glowing trills and hushed ending of the Andante. Morkoski's reading of the Bagatelles is one of the most persuasive I have come across. In sum, a very interesting and satisfying release that is worth adding to your collec-tion."

    – Fanfare

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