Brian Fennelly: The Other Side of Time

Rita Sloan, Jean Kopperud, Chris Gekker, New England Conservatory Wind Ensemble, duo parnas, Washington Square Ensemble, Moravian Philharmonic, Joel Eric Suben, IU New Music Ensemble, David Dzubay, Louis Karchin, Charles Peltz

Catalog #: TROY1350
Release Date: August 1, 2012
Format: Digital

The five varied compositions presented on this CD provide a concise portrait of Brian Fennelly's compositional practice. They are arranged to begin with string orchestra, move through combinations with soloists, and end with wind orchestra. Brian Fennelly (b.1937) studied at Yale where he was the first student to earn a degree in the newly created Ph.D. program in music theory. From then until 1997 he was Professor of Music at New York University. His numerous awards include fellowships from the Guggenheim Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts, commissions from the Koussevitzky and Fromm Foundations and composer residencies at the Rockefeller Foundation Center and a lifetime achievement award from the American Academy of Arts and Letters. His catalog includes works for orchestra, chamber ensembles and solo instruments as well as choral, solo song and electronic titles.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Sigol for Strings Brian Fennelly Moravian Philharmonic, Joel Eric Suben, conductor
Fantasia Concertante Brian Fennelly duo parnas, IU New Music Ensemble, David Dzubay, conductor
Tropes and Echoes Brian Fennelly Jean Kopperud, clarinet, Washington Square Ensemble, Louis Karchin, conductor
Corollary III Brian Fennelly Chris Gekker, trumpet, Rita Sloan, piano
The Other Side of Time Brian Fennelly New England Conservatory Wind Ensemble, Charles Peltz, conductor


  • "This disc is a good choice for anyone who wants to start collecting contemporary mu-sic excellent and most fascinating "

    – Fanfare

  • "It is always a pleasure to hear trumpeter Chris Gekker's round, warm tone quality, virtu-oso skills, and always thoughtful way of playing. He and sensitive pianist Rita Sloan do wonders for Corollary III...where our attention is drawn more to dialog and beauty of sound."

    – American Record Guide

  • “As one would expect from Gekker, the execution…is flawless. From aggressive tech-nical passages to beautifully lyrical lines, from rapid mute changes, to expansive register leaps, Gekker provides a definitive recording of [Brian Fennelly’s The Other Side of Time."

    – International Trumpet Guild Journal

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