David Maslanka: Symphony No. 9

John Koch (narrator), Illinois State University Wind Symphony, Stephen Steele (conductor)

Catalog #: TROY1360
Release Date: July 1, 2012
Format: Digital

The much anticipated world premiere recording of David Maslanka's Symphony No. 9 is a large collection of instrumental songs. There are many influences and underlying elements at work including time (memory, passing of time); water (cleansing and life-giving power); nature (river, ocean); and grace (compassion, forgiveness, rest). Each movement embodies one or more chorale melodies or other songs, such as Shall We Gather at the River and O Sacred Head Now Wounded. Born in Massachusetts in 1943, David Maslanka attended Oberlin, the Mozarteum in Salzburg and Michigan State University. His works for wind ensemble have become especially well known and popular with both performers and audiences. Symphony No. 9, indeed a masterpiece, will be universally welcomed.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Symphony No. 9 David Maslanka Illinois State University Wind Symphony, Stephen K. Steele, conductor, John Koch, reader


  • There is no question that this is recommended for those who enjoy modern classical music that has recognizable melodies."

    – Audiophile Audition

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