The Curious Case of Benjamin Button

John Eaton (composer)

Catalog #: TROY1366
Release Date: August 1, 2012
Format: Physical

The opera, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is based entirely on the very ironic, humorous short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald. The libretto was written by Estela Eaton, the composer's daughter. Composer John Eaton was called " the most interesting opera composer writing in America today" by Andrew Porter. He has also received international recognition as a composer of electronic and microtonal music. Of his more than 20 operas, perhaps the best known is The Cry of Clytaemnestra. A recipient of the "genius" award from the MacArthur Foundation, he has also received an award from the National Institute of Arts and Letters. This DVD was filmed at live performances sponsored by the Center for Contemporary Opera and presented as the opening event of the ACA's Festival of American Music in 2010.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button John Eaton Pocket Opera Players


  • "For those whose métier is innovative opera, and whose ears are tuned to microtones (it doesn't take that much exposure to tune them, either), this DVD will pay handsome re-wards."

    – Fanfare

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