The Horn of Eric Ruske

Eric Ruske (French horn)

Catalog #: TROY1368
Release Date: September 11, 2012
Format: Physical

Horn soloist Eric Ruske has established himself as an artist of international acclaim. Named Associate Principal Horn of The Cleveland Orchestra at the age of 20, he also toured and recorded extensively during his six-year tenure as hornist of the Empire Brass Quintet. His impressive solo career began when he won the 1986 Young Concert Artists International Auditions, First Prize in the 1987 American Horn Competition, and in 1988, the highest prize in the Concours International d'Interprétation Musicale in Reims, France. Mr. Ruske is in great demand as a teacher and clinician, and in addition to having given master classes at more than 100 universities and conservatories in the United States, he has taught at the Royal Academy of Music in London, Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, Banff Centre in Canada, Royal Scottish Academy of Music and Drama in Glasgow, and the Tokyo College of Music, among many others. Professor of Horn and member of the faculty of Boston University since 1990, Mr. Ruske also directs the Horn Seminar at the Boston University Tanglewood Institute. His complete discography, including his critically acclaimed recording of the complete Mozart Concerti with Sir Charles Mackerras and the Scottish Chamber, is included in this box set.


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