Phoenix Ensemble Plays Stockhausen & Schoenberg

The Phoenix Ensemble (ensemble)

Catalog #: TROY1371
Release Date: September 1, 2012
Format: Digital

The Phoenix Ensemble is a New York City based, mixed-instrument chamber music group, consisting of a full complement of winds, brass, strings, and percussion. The ensemble is dedicated to the performance and recording of classical music, and to the mission of making the musical arts a more essential and valuable experience in the lives of the general public. Since 1992, through performances, recordings, and residencies in schools and communities, the Phoenix Ensemble has presented hundreds of events designed to inspire a new and diverse audience for classical music. The group has a special interest in encouraging and giving a voice to composers of contemporary music, and creating events where these compos¬ers can present their music to a new audience. The group's 2009 recording of the clarinet quintets of Morton Feldman and Milton Babbitt has won wide critical acclaim. For this recording, the ensemble has selected two works for wind quintet. Arnold Schoenberg's wind quintet, his first strict 12-tone ensemble work, was composed in 1924 and Stockhausen's Zeitmasze was written early in his composing career (1957).


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Zeitmasze Karlheinz Stockhausen Phoenix Ensemble
Wind Quintet, Op. 26 Arnold Schoenberg Phoenix Ensemble


  • "The Phoenix Ensemble is a cracker-jack band of New York-based wind, brass, strings and percussion players. They play with passion, commitment, and superb technique. I already cherish this release as a splendid display of but one face of the wonderfully multi-faceted world of 20th century music."

    – Fanfare

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