Moross: Symphony No.1; The Last Judgement; Variations On A Waltz

Jerome Moross (composer)

Catalog #: TROY1403
Release Date: February 13, 2013
Format: Digital

Jerome Moross (1913-1983) was in the vanguard of composers who realized that there was a music of America, and for America written by Americans. This recording, originally released by Koch, offers three major scores by this major American composer. Moross grew up with and listened to jazz bands, played in theatre pits and found that his own composing style was totally, spontaneously conditioned by it. Having found his métier relatively early in life, he stuck to it through thick and thin to the end. And perhaps because he was so young when he found his voice, his music sounds young--always, early and late. His music is exciting and always sounds fresh, but uniquely his own.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Symphony No. 1 Jerome Moross London Symphony Orchestra, JoAnn Falletta, conductor
The Last Judgement Jerome Moross London Symphony Orchestra, JoAnn Falletta, conductor
Variations on a Waltz for Orchestra Jerome Moross London Symphony Orchestra, JoAnn Falletta, conductor


  • "The music is brilliantly written and just plain fun Falletta and the LSO are predictably professional and technically flawless."

    – American Record Guide

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