Amy Williams: Crossings

Amy Williams (piano), Jeffrey Jacob (piano), Jack Quartet, Bugallo-Williams Piano Duo

Catalog #: TROY1415
Release Date: May 1, 2013
Format: Digital

The compositions of Amy Williams have been presented at renowned contemporary music venues in the United States, Australia and Europe. Her works have been performed by leading contemporary music soloists and ensembles including the Buffalo Philharmonic Orchestra, the International Contemporary, the Pittsburgh New Music Ensemble and the California E.A.R. Unit. Ms. Williams is the recipient of a Howard Foundation Fellowship, a Fromm Music Foundation Commission and a Creative Development Grant from the Heinz and Pittsburgh Foundations. She received her Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Buffalo and is on the faculty at the University of Pittsburgh. This recording, the first devoted exclusively to her music, features compositions for piano and strings, all given virtuosic performances by some of the finest performers of contemporary music including the JACK Quartet, Jeffrey Jacobs, Amy Williams and the Bugallo-Williams Piano Duo.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Richer Textures Amy Williams JACK Quartet
Brigid's Flame Amy Williams Amy Williams, piano
Falling Amy Williams Amy Williams, piano
Astoria Amy Williams Jeffrey Jacob, piano
Crossings Amy Williams The Bugallo-Williams Piano Duo
Abstracted Art Amy Williams The Bugallo-Williams Piano Duo
Cineshape 2 Amy Williams JACK Quartet, Amy Williams, piano


  • "[Amy Williams'] music is simultaneously demanding, rewarding, and fascinat-ing This is cerebral music, to be sure, but of impressive warmth and wit "

    – The Buffalo News

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