American Masterpieces for Piano Duo

Jennifer Robinson (soprano), Bradley Robinson (baritone)

Catalog #: TROY1427
Release Date: September 1, 2013
Format: Digital

The works featured on this recording are not united by a single topic or style. What they share is that they are extraordinary, yet seldom heard examples of American music for two pianists. Performed by the husband-and-wife piano duo team of Stacy Rodgers and Diane Wang, the ensemble is a perennial favorite of audiences, with their programs offering an intriguing bland of standard four-hand and two-piano repertoire and daring new works by contemporary composers. Stacy Rodgers is on the faculty at the University of Mississippi and a graduate of Southern Methodist University and The University of Texas at Austin. Also on the faculty at the University of Mississippi, Diane Wang is a member of the faculty woodwind quintet and performs both as a pianist and flutist. She holds degrees from Indiana University and The University of Texas at Austin.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Recuerdos: Three Traditional Latin-American Dances William Bolcom Wang-Rodgers Piano Duo
El Sal$#243n México Aaron Copland Wang-Rodgers Piano Duo
Points on Jazz Dave Brubeck Wang-Rodgers Piano Duo
Arias & Barcarolles Leonard Bernstein Wang-Rodgers Piano Duo


  • “I can’t recall enjoying listening to an album with multiple composers as much as this one. It’s a fascinating blend of dance, jazz, and Latin idioms, but what captivated me most was the sense of humour and fun in the music.”

    – Audiophile Audition

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