The Magic Flute

Tia Roper (flute), Mitchell Vines (piano)

Catalog #: TROY1437
Release Date: September 1, 2013
Format: Digital

This recording features the bird-like and zephyr quality of the flute in works of virtuosity and lyricism, but also highlights extended techniques, 21st century nuances, and contemporary lyrical styles, bringing to light the complete and modern capabilities of the instrument. Distinguished soloist, Dr. Tia Roper, was the grand prizewinner of the 2004-05 Artists International Debut Recital Award as well as a winner of the New York Flute Club Competition. She has served as principal flutist of the New York String Orchestra, the Boston Civic Symphony Orchestra and the Pacific Music Festival Orchestra and has performed as a soloist with the Queens Symphony Orchestra. She has given numerous concert performances in Russia, Switzerland, the Barbados, Japan, Venezuela and throughout the United States. She studied at the Manhattan School of Music and Boston University, and obtained her D.M.A. from Rutgers University. She serves on the faculty of the Bloomingdale School of Music and the Usdan Center for the Creative & Performing Arts. Her collaborator, pianist Mitchell Vines, enjoys an active performing career in Europe, South America, Asia and the United States. A graduate of Portland State University and Eastman, Vines is music and choir director of the Unitarian Church in Summit, New Jersey and Temple Israel in New York City.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Carmen Fantasy Ransom Wilson Tia Roper, flute, Mitchell Vines, piano
Airborne Gary Schocker Tia Roper, flute, Mitchell Vines, piano
Fantasia in D major for Solo Flute Friedrich Kuhlau Tia Roper, flute, Mitchell Vines, piano
Sonata in B flat Major Johann Joachim Quantz Tia Roper, flute, Mitchell Vines, piano
Orange Dawn Ian Clarke Tia Roper, flute, Mitchell Vines, piano
Grand Polonaise, Op. 16 Theobald Boehm Tia Roper, flute, Mitchell Vines, piano
Opus di Jazz Mike Mower Tia Roper, flute, Mitchell Vines, piano


  • "Roper is a terrific flutist whose playing is polished and technique is solid."

    – American Record Guide

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