Collected Songs of Alva Henderson

Louis Lofquist (piano), Melanie Emelio (soprano), John Kramar (baritone)

Catalog #: TROY1461-62
Release Date: February 1, 2014
Format: Digital

Born in California, composer Alva Henderson studied at San Francisco State University and the San Francisco Conservatory, where he concentrated on voice and composition. Henderson is known for his operas and vocal music, reflecting his interest in the potential of the human voice. His collected songs presented on this 2-CD set are gems of the American song genre. Sung by soprano Melanie Emelio, a versatile performer and noted pedagogue on the faculty at Pepperdine University and baritone John Kramar, who has performed in opera and concert productions around the country, these songs possess great color, style and sheer beauty.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Love Is Not All Alva Henderson Melanie Emelio, soprano; Louise Lofquist, piano
A Seasonal Songbook Alva Henderson John Kramar, baritone; Louise Lofquist, piano
Janet Lewis Songs Alva Henderson Melanie Emelio, soprano; Louise Lofquist, piano
Dana Gioia Songs Alva Henderson John Kramar, baritone; Louise Lofquist, piano
Songs from Shakespeare's Plays Alva Henderson Melanie Emelio, soprano; Louise Lofquist, piano
Two Sonnets by William Shakespeare Alva Henderson John Kramar, baritone; Louise Lofquist, piano
When I Die Alva Henderson John Kramar, baritone; Louise Lofquist, piano
Sonnet, or I Am in Need of Music Alva Henderson Melanie Emelio, soprano; Louise Lofquist, piano
The Writer Alva Henderson John Kramar, baritone; Louise Lofquist, piano
Alley Cat Love Song Alva Henderson Melanie Emelio, soprano; Louise Lofquist, piano


  • “G&S has to be performed convincingly, with commitment and wit, and this production has that.”

    – American Record Guide

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