
Paul Busselberg (baritone), Aidan Soder (mezzo-soprano), Calogero Di Liberto (piano)

Catalog #: TROY1503
Release Date: July 1, 2014
Format: Digital

Mezzo-soprano Aidan Soder and baritone Paul Busselberg collaborate with pianist Calogero Di Liberto in presenting a recital of songs based on the poetry of Rabindranath Tagore, one of India's most beloved literary figures. Composers from all over the world have been compelled to set his poetry to music, as this recording amply demonstrates. John Alden Carpenter, British composer Frank Bridge, Italian Franco Alfano and German composer Karol Szymanowski all wrote songs dating from the first two decades of the 20th century that used his poetry. The recording also includes recent settings (2004) of Tagore's love songs by the young American composer Karim Al-Zand.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
from Gitanjali John Alden Carpenter Aidan Soder, mezzo-soprano; Paul Busselberg, baritone; Calogero Di Liberto, piano
Three Songs of Tagore Frank Bridge Aidan Soder, mezzo-soprano; Paul Busselberg, baritone; Calogero Di Liberto, piano
from Tre Liriche di Tagore Franco Alfano Aidan Soder, mezzo-soprano; Paul Busselberg, baritone; Calogero Di Liberto, piano
from Vier Gesänge op. 41 Karol Szymanowski Aidan Soder, mezzo-soprano; Paul Busselberg, baritone; Calogero Di Liberto, piano
Tagore Love Songs Karim Al-Zand Aidan Soder, mezzo-soprano; Paul Busselberg, baritone; Calogero Di Liberto, piano

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