Theatrical Music for Solo Percussion

Arielle Miller (narrator), Lee Hinkle (marimba), Lee Hinkle (narrator), Lee Hinkle (percussion)

Catalog #: TROY1524
Release Date: January 1, 2015
Format: Digital

Percussionist and baritone vocalist Lee Hinkle, whose percussion playing has been called "rock-steady" by the Washington Post, is the principal percussionist with the 21st Century Consort and a faculty member at the University of Maryland in College Park. An active recitalist and soloist, Hinkle has performed at universities and festivals across the U.S., and with the National Symphony Orchestra and Taipei Philharmonic. His recordings can be heard on six labels. For this recording, Hinkle explores the boundaries between contemporary music and theatre, performing compositions by Greek composer Georges Aperghis and American composers Daniel Adams and Stuart Saunders Smith as well as one of Hinkle's own compositions. These works include The Authors, a marimba opera, is made up of 11 movements with spoken and sung texts excerpted from various authors' novels, poems and sonnets. The performer is tasked with speaking, singing, whistling, and acting while playing the marimba.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Le Corps à Corps for zarb/vocalist Georges Aperghis Lee Hinkle, percussion
Of a Just Content for vibraphone & multiple percussion/vocalist Daniel Adams Lee Hinkle, percussion
The Authors for marimba/vocalist Stuart Saunders Smith Lee Hinkle, percussion; Arielle Miller, narrator
Vibratissimo for vibraphone/vocalist Lee Hinkle Lee Hinkle, percussion
Tunnels for Percussionist Actor Stuart Saunders Smith Lee Hinkle, percussion

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