Wondrous Love: Works for Solo Cello

Miranda Wilson (cello)

Catalog #: TROY1534
Release Date: December 1, 2014
Format: Digital

A native of New Zealand, cellist Miranda Wilson has performed on five continents as a soloist and chamber musician. Educated in New Zealand, England and the U.S., she is on the faculty of the University of Idaho and is artistic co-director of the Idaho Bach Festival. Wilson has chosen to combine Ernest Bloch's three suites for solo cello with two new works by Daniel Bukvich. One of the connecting features between these two composers is their association with the Pacific Northwest. Bloch spent his last years in Oregon, while Bukvich has spent his career on the faculty at the University of Idaho. Bukvich studied Bloch's manuscripts as a student and names Bloch as one of his influences.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Suite No. 1 Ernest Bloch Miranda Wilson, cello
Suite No. 2 Ernest Bloch Miranda Wilson, cello
Suite No. 3 Ernest Bloch Miranda Wilson, cello
Variations on "What Wondrous Love Is This?" Daniel Bukvich Miranda Wilson, cello
Phantasy on a Theme of Purcell Daniel Bukvich Miranda Wilson, cello

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