Paul Salerni: Touched–A Decade of Chamber Music

Paul Salerni (composer)

Catalog #: TROY1537
Release Date: February 1, 2015
Format: Digital

Composer Paul Salerni is on the faculty at Lehigh University where he teaches composition and directs the new music ensemble. He received his Ph.D. from Harvard and is a leading expert on the music of Earl Kim as well as being a dedicated educator. His music, described by the New York Times as "impressive" and "playful," has been performed throughout the U.S., Canada, Europe and China. He is the recipient of numerous awards and commissions: his opera Tony Caruso's Final Broadcast won the National Opera Association's Chamber Opera competition and was premiered in 2008. This recording, which contains his chamber music written over the past ten years, reflects his belief that "music should make you want to dance, sing, cry, laugh. It should move you physically and emotionally." Through chamber ensembles, Salerni has taken advantage of the possibilities for music to touch and be touched.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Turns Paul Salerni Robin Kani, flute; Oren Fader, guitar; Vega Quartet
Bad Pets Paul Salerni Jan Opalach, bass-baritone; Robin Kani, alto flute; Oren Fader, guitar
The Animals Struck with the Plague Paul Salerni Deborah Andrus, bass clarinet; Vega Quartet
Regimen Sanitatis Salerni Paul Salerni Yunah Lee, soprano; Vega Quartet
Two Partita Paul Salerni Robin Kani, flute; Oren Fader, guitar
Generations Paul Salerni Leslie Johnson, soprano; Vega Quartet


  • "What a pleasure it is to encounter a disk of chamber music that is so filled with wit, melodic invention, genuine beauty, a high level of craftsmanship, and most of all genuine humanity. Performances are all deeply felt and strong ."

    – Fanfare

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