Momentum 21

Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra, Kirk Trevor (conductor)

Catalog #: TROY1564
Release Date: May 1, 2015
Format: Digital

The Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra celebrates its history, growth, and development with this recording of four new works. A fitting tribute to longtime music director Kirk Trevor who retires in 2015 after a 27-year tenure, the four works by James Aikman (commissioned by the ICO), Christopher Theofanidis, Derek Bermal and Michael-Thomas Foumai (winner of the 2014 ICO Contemporary Music Competition) were all recorded live in concert. The ICO is to be commended for its efforts to add to the body of music literature in the 21st century. Founded in 1984, the ICO is comprised of 34 professional musicians who perform an annual concert series, and sponsor a composition competition, collaborating with the Indiana State University Contemporary Music Festival.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Triptych: Musical Momentum James Aikman Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra; Kirk Trevor, conductor
Ritornello: Concerto Grosso for Electric Guitar & String Orchestra Derek Bermel Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra; Kirk Trevor, conductor; Derek Johnson, electric guitar
Lady Dark Michael-Thomas Foumai Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra; Kirk Trevor, conductor
Concerto for Bassoon & Chamber Orchestra Christopher Theofanidis Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra; Kirk Trevor, conductor; Martin Kuuskmann, bassoon


  • “Considering the excellence of both the music and performances, this disc rises to the level of ‘not to be missed’ category for anyone with the remotest interest in the musc of our time, and is strongly recommended accordingly.”

    – David DeBoor Canfield–Fanfare

  • “The Indianapolis Chamber Orchestra is very solid, from their tautly pitched and tonally lustrous strings to the strong contributions of the solo instrumentalists. Kirk Trevor leads with passion and precision, and the guests soloists…offer committed and bravura playing.”

    – Peter Burwasser–Fanfare

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