Abrazando–Latin Embrace

Rosa Antonelli (piano)

Catalog #: TROY1571
Release Date: June 1, 2015
Format: Digital

Argentinian pianist Rosa Antonelli is one of today's leading performers and a champion of Latin-American and Spanish music. She has toured extensively, with more than 1,000 concerts in Europe, Africa, Asia, Latin America and North America and she is dedicated to performing and recording the works of these composers for audiences all over the world. This recording is a rich and varied sampling of this music, bringing together standard repertoire works with a few less familiar gems. While composers from Brazil, Spain, Mexico and Cuba are represented, Ms. Antonelli focuses in particular on the music from her homeland with a rich array of compositions by Astor Piazzolla, Luis Gianneo and Alberto Williams.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Invierno Porteño Astor Piazzolla Rosa Antonelli, piano
Verano Porteño Astor Piazzolla Rosa Antonelli, piano
Prelúdio No. 1 from Bachianas Brasileiras No. 4 Heitor Villa-Lobos Rosa Antonelli, piano
Bell-flower Ernesto Lecuona Rosa Antonelli, piano
Vals maravilloso from Valses Fantasticos No. 6 Ernesto Lecuona Rosa Antonelli, piano
La Mis ma Pena Astor Piazzolla Rosa Antonelli, piano
Llanto negor-Milonga Candombe Astor Piazzolla Rosa Antonelli, piano
Champagne Waltz in E-flat Major, B.24 Isaac Albéniz Rosa Antonelli, piano
Intermezzo Manuel Ponce Rosa Antonelli, piano
Romanza de amor Manuel Ponce Rosa Antonelli, piano
Nunca, nunca te olvide Astor Piazzolla Rosa Antonelli, piano
Libertango Astor Piazzolla Rosa Antonelli, piano
Reverie, Op. 6 Alberto Williams Rosa Antonelli, piano
Tres Danzas Argentinas Luis Gianneo Rosa Antonelli, piano


  • "A beguiling CD the sort of music that makes one long for a warm summer day and a cold drink to enhance the enjoyment. Rosa Antonelli, long a specialist in and advocate for lesser-known Spanish and Latin-American repertoire, has here assembled a dessert cart full of delicious and tempting treats Dare I use the dangerous word "definitive"to describe Ms. Antonelli's innate understanding of this style and these composers? I fear I must, and I'm confident that she will con-tinue to unearth and program the best of this unique culture and its music."

    – New York Concert Review

  • "The warmth of this album's title is matched by piano music that has a beguiling al-lure .Antonelli provides an ideal entrée for newcomers, and artistic flair for anyone with a long-abiding love of these pieces. "

    – Fanfare

  • "Antonelli's phrasing and voicing are magical. .this is highly recommended."

    – American Record Guide

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.