Modern American Art Song

Sharon Mabry (mezzo-soprano), Patsy Wade (piano)

Catalog #: TROY1576
Release Date: August 1, 2015
Format: Digital

Mezzo-soprano Sharon Mabry has championed the music of contemporary composers throughout her distinguished career. She has premiered works by more than 30 composers and has made eight recordings showcasing music by women and contemporary composers. In addition to her extensive concert career, Mabry is professor of music at Austin Peay State University, where she received the Distinguished Professor Award. She was a featured writer for the NATS Journal of Singing from 1985 through 2009. For this recording, she and collaborative artist, pianist Patsy Wade, perform song cycles by George Mabry (b. 1945) whose Songs of Reflection use texts by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, and Edna St. Vincent Millay as well as Dorothy Parker's poetry in Three Cabaret Songs; Kenton Coe (b. 1930) is represented with his work, A Family Gathering, setting poetry by Georgianna Orsini; Brian H. Peterson (b. 1953) whose Moon Songs are set to poetry by E.E. Cummings; and Persis Vehar (b. 1937) who used texts by May Swenson, Anne Waldman, and Barbara Greenberg for her cycle titled Women, Women.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Songs of Reflection George Mabry Sharon Mabry, mezzo-soprano; Patsy Wade, piano
A Family Gathering Kenton Coe Sharon Mabry, mezzo-soprano; Patsy Wade, piano
Moon Songs Brian H. Peterson Sharon Mabry, mezzo-soprano; Patsy Wade, piano
Women, Woman Persis Vehar Sharon Mabry, mezzo-soprano; Patsy Wade, piano
Three Cabaret Songs George Mabry Sharon Mabry, mezzo-soprano; Patsy Wade, piano


  • "As long-tme champions of twentieth and twenty-first-century music, critically acclaimed mezzo-soprano Sharon Mabry and pianist Patsy Wade deliver inspired and theatrical performances that serve as exemplary modesl for aspiring performers. The recording serves as an ipportant addition for both professionals and students of contemporary art music."

    – IAWM Journal Vol. 22, No. 1

  • "After more than 35 years of singing before the public, Sharon Mabry's voice is as beau-tiful as ever. Its timbre is rich and warm, with a luminous sheen that greatly enhances its loveliness. What Mabry possesses is a rock-solid vocal technique that allows her to deploy her uncommonly lovely voice with unassailable solidity and pinpoint accuracy. Mabry is the kind of consummate artist who is always saying something in her sing-ing, and the pristine condition of her voice and technique allow her to shape every detail of these performances as she sees fit, with compelling musicality and expressivity. This is singing of the highest caliber, beautiful in every way."

    – National Association of Teachers of Singing – Journal

  • "I enjoyed this program. The performances are very good. A nice addition to your li-brary of American song."

    – American Record Guide

*Album cover provided for Editorial use only. ©Albany Records. The Albany Imprint is a registered trademark of PARMA Recordings LLC. The views and opinions expressed in this media are those of the artist and do not necessarily represent or reflect the views and opinions held by PARMA Recordings LLC and its label imprints, subsidiaries, and affiliates.