And Then I Knew ’Twas Wind

The Museaux Trio

Catalog #: TROY1581
Release Date: August 1, 2015
Format: Digital

The Museaux Trio (Sydney Carlson, flute; Denise Fujikawa, harp; Brian Quincey, viola) is an outgrowth of Debussy's creation of a work for flute, viola, and harp, which has inspired composers ever since. Debussy was captivated by Japanese culture and incorporated Asian influences into his music. Toru Takemitsu credited the music of Debussy as his most important western influence. Embracing the juxtaposition of these two composers, the Museaux Trio takes it's name from a 12th century Zen Monk, Muso Soseki, who designed the legendary moss garden of Kyoto. The name Muso means Dream Window in Japanese. For their debut recording, the Museaux Trio performs Debussy's classic work for this ensemble; Toru Takemitsu's work, And Then I Knew 'Twas Wind, which pays homage to Debussy's Sonate; and finally, a commissioned work by Karim Al-Zand, inspired by the captivating illustrations of biologist and naturalist Ernst Haeckel.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
And Then I Knew 'Twas Wind Toru Takemitsu Museaux Trio
Sonate pour Flûte, Alto et Harpe Claude Debussy Museaux Trio
Studies in Nature Karim Al-Zand Museaux Trio

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