Changing Times and Colors

Balaton Chamber Brass, Rebecca Wilt (piano)

Catalog #: TROY1582
Release Date: August 1, 2015
Format: Digital

The Balaton Chamber Brass (Amy Cherry, trumpet; Dan Cherry, trombone) is a duo created with the intent of furthering the art of brass chamber music, performing educational outreach concerts, and adding new works to the brass repertoire. They have presented recitals at the International Women's Brass Conference; at the University of Cincinnati's College-Conservatory, Morehead State University, the University of North Carolina at Pembroke, and Western Carolina University. They have served on the faculties of Western Carolina University, Morehead State University, East Tennessee State University, and Wright State University and are now teaching at West Chester University of Pennsylvania. For this recording they give expressive and informed performances of new works by Michael Kallstrom, Michael Sitton, Elizabeth Raum, Bruce Frazier and Wayne Lu.


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Track Listing

Title Composer Performer
Changing Times & Colors Michael Kallstrom Balaton Chamber Brass; Rebecca Wilt, piano
Essay for Trumpet, Trombone & Piano Michael Sitton Balaton Chamber Brass; Rebecca Wilt, piano
The Bushwakker Six Pack Elizabeth Raum Balaton Chamber Brass; Rebecca Wilt, piano
The Answered Question: Trio for Trumpet, Trombone & Piano Emma Lou Diemer Balaton Chamber Brass; Rebecca Wilt, piano
Bridal Suite for Trumpet & Trombone Bruce H. Frazier Balaton Chamber Brass
Cherry Blossoms Wayne Lu Balaton Chamber Brass; Rebecca Wilt, piano

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